Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oink Off

Here's what I think about this (milquetoast) swine flu business:

At this writing, according to the Centers for Disease Control, the swine flu has killed one American and sickened 109. (By the time you read this, the numbers might have increased or decreased).

Guess what? Figures from the American Cancer Society say that in 2008, about 1,437,180 U.S. citizens were expected to get cancer; and more than half a million of those (565,650) were expected to die.

That's 1,500 people a day.

"Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S., exceeded only by heart disease. In the US, cancer accounts for 1 of every 4 deaths." (ACS)

And some other insights? The older you get, the more likely it is that you could develop cancer.

"Anyone can develop cancer. Since the risk of being diagnosed with cancer increases as individuals age, most cases occur in adults who are middle-aged or older. About 77% of all cancers are diagnosed in persons 55 and older."

And if you don't have insurance (like 46 million Americans and that figure is rising steadily because of this crappy economy), you will likely die.

The National Institutes of Health estimate overall costs of cancer in 2007 at $219.2 billion. (How many bail outs is this, I wonder.)

Come on people. Why don't we start harping on the real issues instead of this swine flu silliness?

To the media who are taking us for a ride: Oink Off!


Eric said...

Excellent point. It's amazing how the media loves to focus on one thing at a time. Next week, it will be something completely different. Whatever happened to those crazy pirates?

Kairol Rosenthal said...

You said it! Thanks for speaking truth (with attitude) on your blog. I'm working on a piece about the right to insurance for WBEZ. Keep an ear out. You might also enjoy a book I wrote, which just hit the shelves- Everything Changes: The Insider's Guide To Cancer In Your 20s and 30s. If you want to read my blog or add it to your blogroll check out


Val said...

Great post. My ex-husband is about to drive me C-R-A-Z-Y this week (well, more so than usual!), carping at me to take our son to the doctor to be certain he doesn't have H1N1 (swine flu, that is). He's had a fluctuating fever, nausea & vomiting...
The last time I checked, those initials before my name were still "D-R", & I think I'm still capable of being an objective judge as to whether Z needs to go to the pediatrician or not...

Roxanne said...

Thank God that the swine flu scare seem to lessen. The one thing that is so disturbing today is the statistics of cancer. Despite of the researches there seem to be little good outcome about how to lessen the case of cancer.